Home 'sandy' Home..
12:17 AMMy flight back to Q8 was on 30th Mac , 1950 pm, via Gulf Air, direct to Bahrain, transit for 3 hours and fly again to Q8 at 2.10 am. Scheduled to reach Q8 by 3 am.
Reaching Q8 around 3 am in the morning. Wasn't planning on going back this time since I will be going back to Malaysia again this May for my sis in law wedding so might as well I just stay for one month in Malaysia till the reception over. Unfortunately, my sensational returned ticket was non-refundable, plus we got really good deal for one way ticket for 3 from Gulf Air. Around RM 850 for adults and Rm 600 plus for kids. Mind you other airlines could easily charge Rm 2000 plus for adults alone, around this time so having to pay total of Rm 2000 plus for 3 was definitely a steal. Furthermore, due to political dilemma that hit Bahrain recently, people just can't help but avoiding Bahrain for now explaining the drastic decreased of the ticket price and it will only be natural when only around 30 people boarded my flight resulting to only quarter of the plane occupied or my way of seeing it, third quarter un-occupied seats for ourselves, means extra room for legs and kids can take the whole row to sleep. Yeayyyy... It's like you paid for one seat but you're spoilt for unlimited choice of seats. You are welcome to change your seat whenever you desire, no one really cares :). Somemore when there's less passenger, the cabin crew have more time to tend to you and deliver Tender Loving care services to you. Superb !
I shouted this at my Facebook while transit at Bahrain International Airport.
As per my shout, Erin currently suffering from chicken pox. Err suffering might be exaggerated due to the fact that she wasn't affected at all emotionally and characteristically despite having polka dots all over her. She doesn't have fever, not once. She was actively and being herself almost all the time. She gets cranky once in a while when it's getting itchy but overall, it's like she doesn't have chicken pox at all.
Enough said that I had it easy all along my journey. Even during transit, the girls doesn't give me much problem. Once we arrived at Q8, got our visit visa, we immediately board on airport cab headed home. I was actually berangan and make a plan in my head for what I was about to do upon reaching home. Give a quick freshen up shower for the kids, tuck them to bed, nice and quick warm shower for me and say hellloooo to my nice and comfy bed.
However, Allah have another plan for me..
You see, Q8 was hit by a massive and by far the worst sandstorm in history few days before my departure date. You can google or you-tubed it. It's been the talk in town. I've seen numerous scary-eye opening-mind blowing picture in F@cebook uploaded by my friends about this storm and I remember saying how lucky I am to be in Malaysia on the day the storm hit my house area. My oh my how am I regretting ever saying that to my deepest core because this is what awaits me when I got home.
:: It's getting nearer. For those who never personally experienced sand storm, it was like a massive strong winds that can pull your window frame in one blow, but carries small particles of dessert sand dust. When it arrived, it will turned brightest day into night. It's so powerful I kept mengucap and shaking during my 1st experience. It is something you just can't ignore and it's presence will definitely remind you of Allah and His wrath ::
P/s : As you can see in the photo, the clock shows 9 am. Please minus 5 because the camera was set to Malaysia time

:: Since I wasn't planning on coming back soon, I had wash and scrubbed my bathrooms and changed new bedsheet so that my husband doesn't have to do it. It rather looked pointless to me now ::

:: Every single thing was coated with sand dust it's like there's someone sprinkled castor sugar on my home, only there's nothing sweet about this coating ::

:: It's sooo thick I had to take out all my spices, transfer into another container, scrub this bekas and then transfer the content back once it's dried. Double works involved. Having had to do it at 4 am in the morning, after 11 hours of flight, it really felt like triple ::
For those who happen to be at home during the hit, I think things aren't so bad for them since they can turned on their exhaust fan and mop the dust almost immediately. For me, when we leaving for Malaysia, I switched off all my exhaust fan for safety. Luckyly my husband had this instinct to close the exhaust fan cover else I think the effects will be much much worst. My kitchen area was the most affected because the exhaust fan cover was left open ( hubby forgot to close it) plus we're away so the dust settled in and stick to almost everything uncovered. Thank god I felt like covering my bed with comforter so my bed was left un-harmed. Only the comforter.
I'm so damn freaking tired by the time we're done. Vacuuming, moping, cleaning appears no fun to me anymore. I can't help but thinking how do people survive 50 years ago without vacuum? If it is for me, with dust this thick, without vaccum somemore, it is easily to say that it will takes up my whole adulthood to just finish sweeping the dust. Sighh.... Musibah did wonders to people I guess because it's like a wake up call and you tend to appreciate small small things in life you barely noticed before.
And to me, I definitely treasure my vacuum more and more :)
2 thoughts