Alis's Year End Concert

As Salam... Considering the fact that Alis concert was dated around 3 weeks ago, it goes without saying that this post was rather ba...

As Salam...

Considering the fact that Alis concert was dated around 3 weeks ago, it goes without saying that this post was rather backdated, if not rotten ha ha ha.. 

Anyway, summer has kick in and we'll be leaving tomorrow for London for our summer holiday. We'll be exploring 9 european countries Insya Allah and was super psyched and thrilled about it. Pray for our smooth sailing journey and returns yeah peeps :).

Back to concert, we were given below picture by her class teacher around March for her May concert so that we would have an ample time to search for the correct costume. 

We searched high and low, out and about but just couldn't find the exact costume, within our budget heheh.. We did found the one looked just like in the picture but it was wayyyy too pricey.. Say about KD 18 ( RM 200 ) for a costume that most likely be worn for 2 hours. No, thank you! Thus, we resorted to an alternative. We found another similar costume with a cheaper price tag which got a nod from my husband from True Value. To complete the look, I even bought blood red inner and green legging to go with her costume. It's actually a pumpkin costume but considering that Alis and her class will be presenting song titled Healthy Me which revolved around healthy food, I think pumpkin is alright, No? Alis was nothing but happy with the costume and that's all that matters.. 

The concert started at 10 am but due to expected heavy crowd, the parents advised to come early. We were already since 9.30 am and seated in a forth row from the stage. Happyyy !

:: A date with hubby to a concert featuring our very own rock star hee hee hee ::

:: The concert's theme ::

:: Projector that projected the lyrics so parents can sing along ::

All lower level student from KG and Reception participated in this year end concert and Alis was the only Malay, and Malaysian. The event started by a boy who recited Surah Al-Ikhlas fluently and confidently.

:: Kewl kan? Siap peluk tubuh hehehe ::

Then the event started, with a group singing from KG's and followed by individual songs. Owhh before that, the concert will not happening without Mr Bruce, their music teacher whom I believed composed all the song presented that day himself because I just couldn't find any of the song in youtube.

:: Mr Bruce's one man show ::

All the teachers was such at a good sport and supportive and by looking at the spirits shown, I am glad and relieved I sent Alis here. I knew I put her in a good hands.

And the show begun....

:: They sang a song about Brain. The head scarves konon konon the brain lah hehe.. Bonus for the teacher's creativeness cause I couldn't figure out it at first. My favorite brain was the boy standing at the most left. The chubby one. He's soo damn adorable with his I-don't-care facial expression :) ::

:: Song about organ ::

:: This cute girl's mommy must have watch too much Mad Men I reckon ::

And then it's Alis class's turn. 

Before the event adjourned, all the students sang a group song called summer time and I can see that not only each of them bright as button, they were fully spirited and motivated with the helps and support from their teachers. May Allah bless all of them and the teachers who had poured blood and sweat teaching and guiding all the students.

The students then were taken to their own class where parents can pickup them up and have a brief chat with teachers and other parents. Since Alis will be in Year 1 next September, so this is basically her farewell with Ms Clarice and maybe some of her class mates so we took this opportunity to thanking them for their hard work and patience. Alis requested a flower bouquet to be given to her teachers a night before so we got her 3 bouquets.

:: With Ms Clarice who has been nothing but lovely, patience and supportive teacher ::

:: With beautiful Ms Rahdah, Alis's class assistant teacher ::

:: Last but not least, with her best friend Beatrice. Bea was not in the best mood because other kids keep pulling out her grapes costume and she was very upset about that. Her eyes got all teary at this moment hence she avoid looking at the camera he he he ::

With that, I wish everyone a good health and joyous holiday. I'll be posting about my summer trip once I get back, till then be good :)

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