
March babies

I had so many birthdays to celebrate in March as in most of my family member's birthday fall on March. Almost half of them. Start with E...

I had so many birthdays to celebrate in March as in most of my family member's birthday fall on March. Almost half of them. Start with Erin on 3/3, followed by my mother and sister on 6/3 and later on En Muddy on 14/3. And this is only close family, belum masuk cousins, nieces and nephews lagi..

Anyway, on less serious note, I always believed that 3 is my mum's favorite numeric. Why 3 you may ask.. It is because all my family birthday related to 3 or in other way of putting it, all our birth date are sifir 3.

My mum - 6/3 = 3x2/3x1

Along - 6/6 = 3x2/3x2

Mine - 12/6 = 3x4/3x2

Adik - 6/3 = 3x2/3x1

My father - 27/9 = 3x9/3x3..

Am I making any sense here or not ?

Hehehehe I know I know.. It could be some co-incidence but this is my belief since I was small. What to do, kecik kecik dah suke merepek...Org suruh hafal sifir, lain yang de buat. Math tak pandai pandai pun..

Back to intended topic...

Anyway, today... 6/3/2011 is my mother and my youngest sister's birthday. Yep, they shared birthday. My mom gave birth to her youngest girl on her 32nd birthday. It is indeed double celebration for our family. I remembered that day as the most happiest day in my childhood, not only because I finally had a baby sis, but also because I got to eat so many cakes belong to my mum but she couldn't have it.

Taking this opportunity, I would like to wish both of them Happy Birthday. May many many many many many many many more good and great things comes their way. Stay healthy and happy cause I really look forward to post about your 68th and 100th birthday, Insya Allah.

To Mama and Baby on your birthday,

Hope you know how much you’re appreciated
And how much you’re loved.

Happy Birthday !



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