
Secrets to longevity

I love to read, I kid you not. I read everything from magazines, old newspaper, books, novels to ingredients on my groceries and toothpaste ...

I love to read, I kid you not. I read everything from magazines, old newspaper, books, novels to ingredients on my groceries and toothpaste tube. However, I don't really get to read much eversince I migrated due to magazines and books are quite pricey here. My husband fully understood this hobby of mine and how I am in dire needs to read, therefore, he subscribed few magazines from iTunes for me monthly, which will auto-uploaded into my Ipad, which happened to be soooooo kewlll. For now, we subscribed 4-5 magazines monthly, 2 for me and 3 for him. Each mag cost less than $ 10 which to me, quite a steal considering we didn't have to spend anything on cab fare, fuel and energy.

Our monthly mags subscription so far...

I am pretty sure you can guess which one is mine and which one belong to him. Next in line are going to be O, Her World and Cleo.

Anyway, I just finished reading my Feb edition of Reader's Digest and there's one article I really think worth to share. The article was about this 80 years old study titled For A Long Life, Watch Your Attitude. Basically it reveals some surprising secrets to longevity. There's one point I would like to highlight here because it is proven to be truth.


To make yourself healthier, the best thing you can do is to think about the kinds of people you spent your time with.

Can't Agree More !!! ( sambil hangguk hangguk kepala)

Simply put, people in your lifes, those who you mingled around, socialized with, will indirectly reflects who you are and who you might be as a human being. Thus, it is important to pick your crowd wisely. Should you run with positive peoples, who is always injects positive vibes to your life, I believed you will be healthier and happier physically and emotionally. But if, you were surrounded with peoples who always spread negatives input, you will lead yourself to a very stress and depress way of life, whether you like it or not, whether you realised it or not.

Personally, I always said this to myself, if I didn't like people to talk bad about me, behind my back, I need to stop giving them things to talk about. In short, watch my attitude. Believ me, it's always started with you no matter how much you love to blame on others.

And, I always believed in this principal...

" If there's only one particular person having issue with you, it could be because of personal differences that incurred between you and that person. However, if 9 out of 10 people who knows you, having the same issue... Maybe, just maybe.. You're the one that need major attitude check "

So, good luck running with the right crowd that leads you naturally to a healthier patterns of life. That's a gradual but effective way to change yourself !

Credit to the writer Beth Dreher for the excellent write up.

P/s : As a muslim, the basic foundation for healthier life is always solat, say your prayer and be faith to Him. Then comes other things.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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