
Rangka Ayam :: Waffle & Steak :: Dean & Deluca

Kisah nyer smalam dalam peti ais ade 2 ekor rangka ayam sahaja. Beli pun sebab niat nak buat meehun soto at first. Dari sumer bahan complete...

Kisah nyer smalam dalam peti ais ade 2 ekor rangka ayam sahaja. Beli pun sebab niat nak buat meehun soto at first. Dari sumer bahan complete, sampai kan tinggal rangka jek, meehun soto tak jugak terbuat buat. Daun sup dengan daun bawang pun dah ala ala kena demam kuning jek. Therefore, terhasil lah Bubur Nasik untuk lunch smalam. Orang pantai timur called this Nasik Air. Selalu kat Kampung Bharu org makan dengan cendawan, ikan kering, kangkung belacan and whatnot. Tapi dek kerna kan bahan bahan dalam fridge tak berapa nak meriah, maka hasil nyer pun tak meriah jugak la.. Akan tetapi, sesekali makan ringkas ringkas macam gini, sedap jugak.

:: Bubur Nasik berlauk kan Tenggiri Jeruk. Ekonomi sungguh ! ::

:: Dah simbah dengan sup rangka ayam ::

:: Buat sikit sambal ikan bilis utk kawan kan dengan bubur ::

:: Sekor rangka dh jadik sup, sekor lagi jadik Rangka Goreng Tepung Pasar Malam ::

Around 8.30 pm, sume dah kelaparan so hubby suggested pergi makan dekat The Great Ste@k & P0tat0 Company, kat belakang rumah jek. Dalam 5 minutes walking distance. Seingatnyer memang deret Babak kedai tu, rupa rupanyer takder. Dah terpinga-pinga dekat 3 minit, we changed course to W@ffle & Ste@k.

1st time masuk kedai ni walau dah beribu kali lalu. Once sampai, En Muddy pun biasalah, nak foursquare kan location der, tup tup dah ade mayor for this spot. Siap ade comment tulis overpriced. Rasa macam nak tukar restaurant lain tapi waiter de dah siap lap lap meja kerusi sume, tak sampai hati pulak. Duduk je la.. Kalau worth it , datang lagi.. kalau tak worth money, anggap je first and last experience.

We ordered Chicken Wing with Ranch Sauce, Grilled Shrimp, Mini Burger for the girls and Blue Cheese Burger for En Muddy. Kemain tau dah tekak ganu, kemain ade hati nak order blue cheese bagai.

Hasil nyer... agak mengecewakan. Chicken Wing tu macam kite goreng kunyit kat rumah then siram je dengan Ranch sos tu. Tak sepadan harga. My grilled shrimp turned out not so bad. Most satisfying dishes that night. Udang agak besar walau 5 jek de bagi. Tapi takleh nak marah sebab de dah sebut siap siap dalam menu memang 5 jek. The vege can improve sebab rasa cam tak fresh and overcooked. Mashed potato pun just so-so. Nothing WOW about it. Mini burger for kids pulak... hmm just mini burgers heheh.. ade tomato, bawang, cheese sekeping and beef patties. The bread texture agak keras, dah jadik ala ala macam pau malaysia. Blue Cheese En Muddy pulak, let just say he ate his Blue Cheese Burger without the blue cheese. This is the 1st time I ever saw he rejected food, which could only means, the taste was really off. Well what were you expect from blue cheese kan? It is supposed to taste and smelled rotten-like, not ? Agah sangat nak order cecanggih...

In overall, the foods and presentation didn't impressed us, hence no picture heheh. The only thing that drew smile to my face was below image taken from my Lipton Tea sachet I ordered.

:: I didn't knew the answer. Clever ehh ? ::

I saw pictures of foods by Dean & Deluca uploaded by my neighbour Ayu and man I was tempted alright. Before that, dah tempted tengok Pulut Durian from Oriental Cuisine uploaded by my good friend Ayu.

To Ayu duo, can you and you stop tempting me already ! Hahahah sendiri yang pelahap nak salahkan orang.

Anyway, we're planning to go to Oriental Cuisine today with Kak Ieda and family for our pulut durian session but this morning, we received sudden breakfast invitation by Arif and family. I can't really say unfortunately because we were served with very tasty Nasik Dagang, Kueh Lapis, Homemade Chocolate Cake and Cucur Badak. Ni dah bukan unfortunate, ni bulan jatuh ke riba to be exact. Thanks a lot to Arif and family for a very homemadey and hearty breakfast treat. Done with breakfast, we need to settle some errand related to our trip to Bahrain, some adminitrations so after we settled, it's already 2 pm. Looks like we had to say goodbye to Pulut Durian dengan hati yang separuh rela. Came back home for Zohor prayer and then what ? Aku pandang ko, ko pandang aku la jawapnyer... Dah buhsan kang, kite pandang dinding...

Iyerrrr laaa tuuu....

Dengan menggunakan sedikit kuasa muncung panjang sedepa, maka En Muddy agreed to go out, to The Avenue. Yeayyyyyy....

We didn't buy anything since we're going to Bahrain either tomorrow or the next day after tomorrow. Saje jalan jalan. Bile dah jalan jalan, burned some calories ( ye kerr??? ), tiba tiba lapar... Alasan kukuh nak makan Dean & Deluca. En Muddy setuju je so off we go and seated.

I was thinking of trying Red Velvet cuppies but then settled with Margherita Pizza. Jauh sangat beza de kannnn? Dari cuppies ke pizza lak.. Cakap je la nak makan pizza hahaha.. Anyway, reason tak jadik nak makan Red Velvet adelah sebab mahal sangat. 1 cupcake for 1KD. Takperlaaaa balik balik Mesia esok kite gi The Whisk. So, me and my girls shared pizza. Sedap dan berbaloi la kot because the pizza size was quite large for 2 KD and since it was Dean& Deluca, I was kinda expecting for much much higher price tag.

En Muddy ilang dalam 10 minutes and he came back later senyum senyum, sengih sengih. I smelled something fishy and I was damn right.

:: Sushi set that surprisingly cost us only KD 2.9. The salmon was so fresh and the other type of sushi roll was delicious too, kata En Muddy ::

By Q8 standard, this is freaking cheap because sushi ain't cheap here.

Then, other stuff came. I smelled beefy roasty stuff. I knew it ! It is just so hard to believe he ordered only sushi.

:: Roasted beef with BBQ Sauce. Side dish is roasted potato. The best and most tender roasted potato I've ever taste ::

By this time, Alis and Erin was having their oreo ice cream, one scoop each so I jokingly asking him if I should expecting anymore meals delivered to us and he answered YES !

Aperrrrrrr ???? ( tak marah pun sebab de yang bayar kan, cuma menyesal sebab tak amik Red Velvet tadik, boley gituhhh ? )

Apparently, he ordered Grilled Teriyaki Salmon something something. I didn't really know the correct name and couldn't be bothered to check.


After few good 10 minutes waiting, and having had to finished our leftover pizza, I can see that he was kindoff hoping that the waiter forgot his order. You know the feeling you normally had after bukak puasa and saw there's still murtabak, popiah basah, donut, laksa belom bersentuh and quietly cursing yourself for being greedy dekat Pasar Ramadhan... Ring any bell?

Anyway, his wish granted sebab memang tak sampai pun Salmon tu .. For once, I was actually grateful for the waiter incompetence heheh..

Moral of the story is...

You had to sacrifice something to gain something else..

In my case, I sacrificed Pulut Durian and granted Dean& Deluca in returned.. Aci tak ? Kah kah kah..

Ni bukan moral of the story.. Ni kes gelojoh..

As a closing......

:: Saw this Audi R8 at Avenue today. My husband convinced me to post this picture here as he said this car is very rare, sooo expensive and takde kat Mesia. I doubt any car-junkies reads my blog but I have to be nice to him since he treats me nice dinner, so layan kan ajer.. Muahahah ::

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