My youngest is 3
4:32 AMFor Erin Saffiya, on your 3rd birthday.
So far, this has been your journey...
6 months old, still in mummy's oven

8 months old.. You're getting closer, just curled tight and enjoy your ride..

8 months old.. You're getting closer, just curled tight and enjoy your ride..
3rd Mac 2008 - The B, C and D Day..
B : Birthday, C : Caeserian Day, D : Due date..

Your personalised "doctor"

03/03/08 - 1030 am - 3.4 kg. Yeayy finally you arrived !
B : Birthday, C : Caeserian Day, D : Due date..

Your personalised "doctor"

03/03/08 - 1030 am - 3.4 kg. Yeayy finally you arrived !
We join in celebration,
As this special date arrives,
For baby has brought pleasure
Into all our lives.
Few months old..

As this special date arrives,
For baby has brought pleasure
Into all our lives.
Few months old..
03/03/09 - 1st birthday...
It's your very first birthday, baby,
One candle on your cake;
Proud parents stare in wonder
At each new move you make.
We look forward now to seeing
How you progress and grow,
From the cute and tiny infant
You were one year ago.

With birthday cake..

It's your very first birthday, baby,
One candle on your cake;
Proud parents stare in wonder
At each new move you make.
We look forward now to seeing
How you progress and grow,
From the cute and tiny infant
You were one year ago.
With birthday cake..
She's got a really cute smile
And pretty wavy curls
She's a wonderful person,
The best of all girls.
Three years ago ..
It's your birthday, but we got the gift...
a gentle, sweet, beautiful daughter
who is always a pleasure to be with.

It's your birthday, but we got the gift...
a gentle, sweet, beautiful daughter
who is always a pleasure to be with.

So dig into your icing;
Enjoy your presents, too.
The reason for this day
Is a special person--you!
Enjoy your presents, too.
The reason for this day
Is a special person--you!
I wish for you that whatever you want most in life, it comes to you, just the way you imagined it, or better.
I wish your birthdays happened more, So I could let you know, How very much you mean to me, And so I could tell you so!
It is true that you could be tad too bossy and super diva at times.
It is also true that you may be a pain in the neck to your sister.
Despite all that, our home will be too quiet without you and your big sis definitely won't survive a day without you.
May you grow up to be a righteous and successful Muslim, both in this world and in the next. May Allah guide me and grant me patience to nurture and you and your sibling in the way that is most pleasing to Him.
Mummy, Papa & Kakak love you lots and lots.
Big fat hugs and kisses from us to you on your birthday..
Poem By Joanna Fuchs
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