Makkah Al-Mukarramah - The Holy City
3:18 AM

Umrah 1: 6th Hijri, after the Treaty of Hudaibiya. Although he was not allowed to visit the Kaaba by the polytheists of Makkah to perform Umrah, it is still counted as an Umrah. He came out of the Ehram, shaved his head, and sacrificed his ‘hadi’ (animal) and went back to Medina. The deal made with the polytheists, that he would return to Medina, and come back the next year for his Umrah.
Umrah 2: 7th Hijri, as per the Treaty of Hudaibiyah.
Umrah 3. 8th Hijri, after returning from the Battle of Hunain.
Umrah 4: 10th Hijri, along with the Hajj.

As I didn't have a clue of what our routine will be like while we were in Mecca & Madinah, we developed the system a day after we arrived. What we did was,
- we'll left them in the room for Fajr prayer so they can get as much rest as they can. Then we'd bring them to the mosque after shower and stays there until Zohor. We went back to hotel for lunch and quick rest as interval time between Zohor ans Asar is very short. The girls will be taking their afternoon nap in the room, while both of us will went to mosque for Asar prayer. Then we came back to hotel for freshen up and getting ready for Maghrib.
- We brought the girls to the mosque for Maghrib and stays until Isya' then have dinner and quick tour around bazar before going back to hotel OR if they did not want to follow, we'll take them for dinner or bought them dinner before Maghrib, and left them at room until Isya'.
- Of course, we left one handphone with them all the time so they can call us should they need us. During the first few days, sometimes we received up to 13 calls from Alis but as days went by, and they got used to mummy and papa's mosque routine, they don't bother calling anymore ha ha ha.
- If we need to bring them to the mosque, we'll make sure we brought together something that able to distract them for long period of time, so they won't get bored like drawing books and a lotttsssss of finger foods. Plus, rest assure, they'll brought back at least a half full plastic bag contained of sweets, candies, balloons, fruits or tamar from sadaqahs. Arabs like kids and they like to come pat the girls on the head, touch their faces, kissed their hands and give sadaqah.

- Between my husband and me, we would discuss a day earlier should we wanted to do tawaf sunat the next day because tawaf usually takes up longer time compared to normal prayer so we need to plan it wisely. Most of the time, my husband will do tawaf sunat after Zohor and I'll went back to hotel to stay with the girls. I'll go to the mosque for Asar by my own or with him if he managed to finished his tawaf before Asar. I will then perform my tawaf sunat after Maghrib ( because it's a lot cooler than Zohor :) ) and my husband will stayed with the girls. He then will leave them for Isya' prayer and we'll meet at hotel room later on for dinner.

How to Perform the Janazah (Funeral) Prayer
1. Stand facing the Qiblah with your chest.
2. Have the intention: “I intend to pray the Funeral prayer for this dead Muslim” while saying: Allahu akbar.
3. Recite the Fatihah softly, then say Allahu akbar.
4. Say Allahumma salli ^ ala Muhammad. It is better if you recite the whole Salatul-Ibrahimiyyah, then say Allahu akbar.
5. Make supplication for the dead Muslim Allahumma-ghfir lahu warhamh (u). It is better to include other Muslims and to say:
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Allahumma-ghfir lihayyina wa mayyitina, wa shahidina wa gha’ibina wa saghirina wa kabirina, wa dhakarina wa unthana. Allahumma man ahyaytahu minna fa ahyihi ^alal-Islam, wa man tawaffaytahu minna fa tawaffahu ^alal-’iman.
This means: “0 Allah, forgive our dead and alive, our present and absent, our young and old, our male and female [Muslims]. 0 Allah, whomever among us You gave life, let him live with Islam. Whomever among us You took life from, let him die with Iman (Faith)”. Then say Allahu akbar.
6. It is recommended to say:
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Allahumma la tahrimna ajrahu wa la taftinna ba ^dah(u), which means: “0 Allah, do not deprive us of the reward of our praying for him, and do not test us after him”.
7. Say as-salamu ^ alaykum. It is recommended to say: assalamu ^alaykum wa rahmatullah while turning the head to the right, then to say it while turning to the left.
In Malay :
1. Angkat Takbir "Allahuakbar" & Niat dalam hati :
++ Sahaja aku solat jenazah terhadap mayat ini, 4 takbir, fardhu kifayah kerana Allah Ta’ala.
++ Jadi makmum? tambah "sebagai makmum kerana Allah Taala"
++ Baca Alfatihah hingga akhir
2. Angkat Takbir Kedua "Allahuakbar"
++ Baca : Allahumma solli a'la Muhammad wa a'la ali Muhammad
++ Pendek pun takpa, paling elok selawat ibrahimiah macam dalam tahiyyat akhir
3. Angkat Takbir Ketiga "Allahuakabar"
++ Baca doa (pendek pun takpa, panjang lagi bagus) contoh dibawah ni :
++ Allahummargh firlahu warhamhu (untuk mayat lelaki)
++ Allahummargh firlaha warhamha (untuk mayat perempuan)
++ Untuk mayat kanak-kanak yang belum baligh, tidak dibacakan doa ini kerana mereka masih tidak dikira dosa pahala oleh malaikat.
Imam will announced whether we will be praying for she or he by saying allahyarham or allahyarhamah. But since the iman said it in Arabic, you need to listen carefully.
4. Angkat Takbir Ke Empat "Allahuakbar"
++ "Assalamualaikum warahmatullah " Beri Salam kiri n kanan
++ Selesai
Yang membuka pendengaran serta penglihatannya dengan daya dan kekuatannya.

I think that's all about it for now. I'll write more if I have something else to share and I'll be writing about Madinah too...
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