

Salam and hi.. Hope all is well. First of all, Eid Mubarak everyone .. I've been silent for the past 4 months or so despite having tonn...

Salam and hi.. Hope all is well. First of all, Eid Mubarak everyone .. I've been silent for the past 4 months or so despite having tonnes of things to tell. I won't use 'too much things to do yet too little time' cause obviously I'll be lying if I said so and it sounded too cliche ha ha. The mood just wasn't there what to do.

Let me briefly tell you what's been happening for the past few months in a pictorial form since I don't have much time and before baby wake up from her nap. Most of the picture was from my instagram and FB feed..

:: Winding down memory lane..Me during my second trimester pregnant with Erin ::

::Me 'sarat' with baby no 3 craving for some melon. Don't I make a good couple with melon? We even donned same theme attire bahahahha::

On Aug, exactly on Eid morning, I delivered a healthy 3.47 kg baby girl via c-sect. Gotten myself admitted 7th aug morning. We're practically beraya in hospital room.

:: The girls making themselves comfortable ::

Meet our new little chief in town..

:: Baby day 4. My mom arrived from Malaysia on 2nd day of Eid to help care of the newborn and me ::

:: Day 7 : As per sunnah we named her and got it registered. So she's officially Zahra IMaani, our lil 'bunga keimanan' :) ::

:: Erin shocked me by picking up, holding and feeding baby Zahra by herself!!! -___-. I was in the bathroom, mom in the kitchen and Zahra was crying. She got herself both a pat on her back and a longggg nagging on baby rules which goes something like only mummy, papa and nenek is allowed to do all the above. Her limit for now is caring, playing, kissing and loving the baby endlessly ha ha ha ::

:: I can say that she got the memo! ::

:: Zahra's second week. This is exactly around the time when the RON 95 price was increased by 20 cent, thence the expression. Babies nowadays are very alert with national issue I must say ha ha ha. Okay tak kelakar ::

:: 4th week of Syawal, our good friend leaving Kuwait to start a new journey in Oman. Despite feeling extremely sad, I can only wish and pray for their great success and happiness. May Allah's barakah be with them always, wherever they are ::

:: Zahra 1 month old trying her skill on tango since she didn't have much thing to do he he he ::

:: My babies and their birthdate respectively. I had this posted on both Instagram and Facebook with a caption Allah knows best and He knows I am THAT bad with numbers bahahah.. And nope.. none of them are planned! Sweet coincidence, pure luck and Allah's decision.. Alis's EDD was on 30-3 but she came 4 days late. Erin's EDD was exactly on 3-3 while Zahra's EDD plays around 7-8 to 9-8 each time we scan :) ::

:: Dejavu.. Mister with Alis 8 years ago and present with Zahra. Same pose, same excitement, different baby. It's like falling in love all over again. I'm sure I had the same one with Erin's but couldn't find where the picture ::

:: Zahra day 40. She's practically living on my lap by now hence we had to borrow a swing from a friend since I can't get any work done. Plus, my mom will be leaving soon so I won't have any extra help as much as now after this. She's doing fine after a while despite constantly giving me her protest face each time I put her in swing. Sorry baby, you just have to even if you don't like it. You will starve your family if you don't co-operate ha ha ha ::

:: Selfie at 45 days, photo bombed by my husband in kain pelekat ha ha.. I think my post baby fat is being plain rude. I'm fully aware that I had been a very generous host. I kept feeding them with carbs, RVC, beriani and whatnot which could be the reasons on why they're not leaving. Dear my post baby fat, I don't like you anymore, please leave and don't come back another day ! ::

:: At a month and half doing what she did best. I have one happy baby here she even giggles to our table lamp and clock kahkahkah ::

:: It's okay nenek. I'm almost 2 months now. You can talk to me about anything. Bring it on .. ::

:: Terlekok! It doesn't look very comfortable if you ask me but she dozed of to la la land in no time. As long as it's mummy's fluffy lap, comfort is just a small issue ::

:: Haiiii I'm 2 months old today and my favorite snack at the mo is my blanket. Wool-licious !! ::

:: ?????? Zapin? Tango? So you think you can dance ? ::

:: My favorite accessory right now. She goes anywhere I go ::

:: The last supper with nenek at airport. She went back to Malaysia after two months in Kuwait sob sob sob. Bye bye nenek, you'll be terribly missed. Thank you for everything ::

:: Not wanting to let go :( ::

:: Zahra on Eidul Adha .. It's still pretty hot in Kuwait despite temperature has dropped tremendously from 46 degree C to 24 degree C therefore no baju kurung lah for her ::

:: Ziarah raya at Lisa and Yus's place in Salmiya. Thank you Lisa for having us ::

:: Mommies .. Linda in shocking green, me in mustard if you didn't know already ha ha ha, Ija in orange and Lisa the host in black abaya ::

:: Eid Mubarak from our little family to yours ::

:: The ladies ::

And lastly, as a parents, our job is to take care of what is possible and trust Allah with the impossible. Insha allah we will try our best with this 3 amanahs. May Allah grant us yang baik baik sahaja :)

Assalamualaikum. Till I write again...

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