Raudhah and Ziarah
7:16 AM- After Fajr prayer until 11 am
- After Zuhur prayer until before Asar time
- After Isya' prayer until 12 midnight
- You don't need an inch thick of manual when you are in Raudhah. According to her, there's a congregation that brought guide book as thick as an inch just on how to say salam to Rasullulah s.a.w . She said, Islam is beautiful and Islam is easy if you fully understands it. You actually said salam to Rasullulah s.a.w everyday in your prayer when you recite Surah Tashahhud or Tahiyat. When you're in Raudhah, and facing makam Rasullulah s.a.w, all you need to say is
- There's no specific solat that you need to perform in Raudhah. It is advisable to perform 2 rakaat solat sunat and say your prayer or wish when you're done. Again, most of congregation prone to rely on too much on the guide book. Our most closest time/moment with Allah s.w.t as a servant was when we're in our sujud. That is when we supposed to say our prayer and wish, not after Salam like what we used to do and became norm community practiced when it's actually not in sunnah and never be done by Rasullulah and para sahabat. So it'll be tad too difficult, and impossible for you to do your sujud and read your guide book while at it.
- I've learned also that there's no such thing as Solat Hajat or specific way of how to do it. According to her, there is absolutely nothing in the established and authentic Sunnah of the Messenger of Allah s.a.w called the ‘salaat-ul-haajah’; and when the Messenger of Allah s.a.w has not given or assigned a particular name for a prayer, it does not behove and befit one who sincerely believes in Allah and the Last Day to give or assign a name to it from himself!
So should one has a ‘hajat’ or need, one may take wudhu', perform 2 rakaat solat sunat and say your hajat in your heart or during your sujud. One should not give or assign a name to that prayer or deed when no name is assigned to it by the Messenger of Allah s.w.t!
- There's no such thing as " Sampaikan salam to Rasullulah s.a.w ". I was kinda looked forward to this part because I had this questions lingering in my mind and of course, just like other congregations, me too had friends and relatives requesting me to convey their salam to Rasullulah s.a.w when I'm at Madinah. When she told us, you don't have to convey all the salams to Rasullulah s.a.w, just say your own salam only, I was puzzled. To me, I take it as all those messages from friends and relatives as amanah and I had promised them I would convey their salams to Rasullullah. If I ignored it, wouldn't it make me not trustworthy?
She understood our confusions and explained that, when Salutations and Salawaat are sent to the noble and beloved Rasulullah s.a.w from a distance then it is carried by specially appointed Angels or Malaikats and presented in his noble and auspicious presence. .
"Sayyidina Abdullah Ibn Masood (RA) narrated that the Prophet (Sallaho Alaihe Wassallam) said: Indeed there are many Angels of Allah (SWT) who sojourn the Earth and bring the Salam of my Ummati to me"
"Sayyidina Anas (RA) narrated that the Prophet (Sallaho Alaihe Wassallam) said:Whoever invokes blessings on me at my grave, I hear him, and whoever invokes blessings on me from afar, I am informed about it.[Baihaqi]"
We are humans and certainly not an angel and our sole task in this world is to worship Allah s.a.w. We certainly have neither right, nor capability to convey another person's salam to Rasullulah s.a.w but our own. The lady officer also soothed us by telling us to tell the truth when asked by family or friend whether we had conveyed their salams. She said : Just tell them that you didn't convey their salam because only malaikats were able to do so. They can convey their own salam to Rasullulah s.a.w from any part of the world and Insya Allah, Rasullulah s.a.w will receive it.
- She also touched about certain deeds practiced by us with good intention but not necessarily following sunnah. One of it was the amalan membaca surah Yassin in our community! It's indeed a good intention and gesture to host an event where reciting Surah Yassin became the main agenda but the method of doing it was not following sunnah and Al-Quran.
So when the Quran is being recited, listen to it attentively and keep quiet so that perhaps mercy may be shown to you
~ Suratul A'raf [7], Verso 204
Imam Ja'afar ibni Muhammad as-Sadiq (peace be upon Him) has said : "Surely the Qu'ran is not to be read in a rush or very quickly. Rather it should be recited in slow, measured portions. Whenever you reach a verse which talks about Heaven, then stop ( at that verse) and ask from Allah (the bounties of) Heaven. And whenever you reach a verse which speaks about the Hell, then stop (at that verse) and seek protection from Allah from the Hell fire (and the punishment)."
~Usulul Kafi, Volume 3, Page 301
So, normally as we know it, the norm practiced was to have the leader ( usually the eldest person or Imam or Ustaz ) to start and initiate the majlis and everyone then will recite Surah Yassin together till the end. When everyone recite, who listens ?
And as embarrassingly, we ( read :me) will recite Yassin in fast rhythm without taking the time to understands the meaning of it simply for the sake of keeping up with the crowd's phase and rhythm, and normally the makan makan event starts after Yassin's recitation done so i am rushing it.
* bangs head on wall *
She recommended to make little adjustment to our current method by having few groups. When 1 group recite certain portions of the Surah, other groups listens (and make correction if any mistakes detected). Do this alternately until the surah finish. Not only you gain rewards for reciting Quran, you'll also gain equal rewards for listening and teaching others. Masya Allah..
The Messenger of Allah ( blessings of Allah be upon Him and His family) has said : "The one who recites the Qur'an and the one who listens to it have an equal share in the reward".
~Mustadrakul Wasa'il, Volume 1, Page 293
- She also asked us why we chose Surah Yassin out of many many Surahs in Al-Quran. Why Surah Yassin and not Surah Baqarah ?
A question that I certainly didn't know the answer. If I were forced to answer then my answer would be because I was brought up with that culture. Culture of "baca Yassin" for everything. Majlis kesyukuran, Khamis malam jumaat, Masuk rumah baru and whatnot. I am blaming no one but myself for being this ignorance. Allah s.w.t had given me 33 years of life so far to be a good servant and I am clearly in so much kerugian. Well, she said, there's nothing wrong with Surah Yassin as it is also a part of Qur'an. Maybe beside Surah Yassin, we can recite Surah Al-Baqarah for a change because Surah Al-Baqarah has bigger fadhilat and so many benefits.
- Al-Baqarah will be one of the lights on the hari kiamat and it will shade their people on the Day of Resurrection..
- Syaitan will not enter the house where Al-Baqarah is recited
- Syaitan will not come near him and his family, or he will not be touched by anything he dislikes.
- The angels will come close to hear you reciting Surah Al-Baqarah
- Your parents will be given a garment even a billionaire can't never afford during Hari Kiamat for your good deeds.
- You'll be rewarded a crown of grace on your head, and Kingship be given to those who recite Al-Baqarah
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