
As salam.. On day 2, like I've mentioned, as soon as Ikram arrived, we made our move to Bath city center. Ikram came with his ...

As salam.. On day 2, like I've mentioned, as soon as Ikram arrived, we made our move to Bath city center. Ikram came with his car so we made a quick stop at University of Bath to parked his car and then he joined us in our rented car. His wife was a post-graduate in University of Bath...

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R amadhan Kareem to all my muslim friends. I'm wishing for a peaceful, blessed and meaningful Ramadhan to everyone of you, wherever...

Ramadhan Kareem to all my muslim friends. I'm wishing for a peaceful, blessed and meaningful Ramadhan to everyone of you, wherever you may be. As for me, we started one Ramadhan on Friday, followed Saudi despite chaos and earlier announcement about Ramadhan will start on Saturday for Kuwait based on Rukyah system. As we speak, we already done...

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