Kerapu stim limau
8:47 AM
As salam..
Lately, almost everyone been posting everywhere about one article featured in Malaysian paper on some survey done about habit of snapping food photo and uploaded it via social media network, exp FB, Ig, blog and whatnot. Well, basically the article said that those habit is petanda sakit mental ha ha ha.
Okay, this is my stand on this. Come on laaaarr. Don't be too serious and easily cepat melatah about every little thing. Me, in all honesty, doesn't feel that the article is something that I need to be bothered about. In my personal opinion, the issue has been exaggeratedly sensationalized. I mean, sakit mental has many levels and types and for that, one can't just simply generalize one habit as a sakit mental without proper diagnostic from expert, so as to say, what's with only based on general research done on some certain target group.
So chill out.. You know yourself more than anybody else. Don't get too giddy over this simple study done.
Back on track, I cooked Kerapu Stim Limau today as per mister's request. Unfortunately, non fried-less calories-healthy kinda food is not really my cup of tea ha ha ha so I had to whip up something else for me. Something rich in carbs, spicy and quick enough to prepare.
:: Nasi Goreng Cili Padi with Udang and Kangkung. Yummsss ::
And for the rest of the family......
:: Kerapu Stim Limau ::
Bahan bahan nya ( in pictorial form he he he )
Just dump everything in, Insha Allah jadik he he he...
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