Innsbruck, Lucern and Swarovski Crystal World
12:35 PM
As salam..
Indeed a very very very late post.. I am proven a slow poke. In my cliche defense, takper lah, better late than never he he he..
Indeed a very very very late post.. I am proven a slow poke. In my cliche defense, takper lah, better late than never he he he..
To be truth, I am only looking forward to Swarovski part so actually it was actually a very wise decision of the tour manager to put it as our very last itinerary.
In brief, our tour sequence today will cover Lucerne, to visit Lion Monument. Proceed with Swiss shopping stop, if you wish to, at Gubelin, proceed to Leichtenstein and Vaduz. Then Swarovski coming up before checking in into hotel.
See ya...
As salam...
In brief, our tour sequence today will cover Lucerne, to visit Lion Monument. Proceed with Swiss shopping stop, if you wish to, at Gubelin, proceed to Leichtenstein and Vaduz. Then Swarovski coming up before checking in into hotel.

:: The famous Lion Monument built to commemorate brave Swiss soldiers killed during the French Revolution, as history told. Well to Erin, we just visited a huge wounded lion with spear poke on it's back :) ::

:: Stroll along Kappelbrucke ( chapel bridge). Very pretty scenery with swans and flowers everywhere. As can be seen, we're going up to warmer, or rather hotter side of this trip, explained the girls with short sleeves and all ::

:: Pretty swans everywhere it is just so hard not to feel all fairy tale ::

:: Gubelin.. It is said that if you ever come to Swiss, you must take at least 2 things back home, if budget permit lahh. Swiss knife and Swiss watch. Hurmmmmmm ::

:: Pretty pretty Swiss ::

:: Calmness.. Subhanallah. One reason on why Allah s.w.t summoned us, His humble servants to travel to places is so that we can witness an unbeatable beauty of His greatest creations elsewhere apart from where we're coming from, so we can be a better servants after the awakening trip. Which is why I am always envy of people or friends who were granted with opportunity to travel. Envy, not jealousy. This envy actually drove me ( errr my husband to be exact in this case ), to work harder, strive better, earn more and save more so we can bring our children to experience all of this. Alhamdullilah we were blessed with little extra rezeki and we can't thank Allah enough. I honestly cannot fathom on why some people who likes to bad mouthing about other people who often go for holiday or travel. This people usually have this negative mind set that people whom often travel is kinda show off sort and suka berlumba2. I mean, true enough that some people did go for holiday simply because others did and cannot stand be seen as lacking but I chose to believed that those category are minor. Wallahualam, may Allah s.w.t protect me and my family from riak and takabur and helps to straighten and help us to istiqamah in our niyah ::
Okayyyy, next....

:: Lichtenstein. We had quick lunch here in this very small but interesting city before moving on to our next pit stop ::

This face greets us from afar..... Swarovski Crystal World.. Yeayyyyy... and I'm back to 5 years old in front a candy shop all over again hihihih..

:: Gamba wajib kata nyer ::

:: Pity him. Having 'selsema' for all year round is definitely not a pleasant experience! Ha ha ha okay tak kelakar! ::

:: Lives up to it's name - Crystal World, everything is made of crystal and Swarovski yo! ::

:: Even this 'anaconda' !! ::

:: Real, precious, untreated and uncut gem stones. You think they will bother to put those sturdy grill if it was fake ? Na'ah, Dun.Think.So ! ::
You will need to pass the museum first, before anything. It is included in the ticket price. A few halls actually with different types of displays and themes. Ehemmmmmm ehemmm for info, their souvenirs and shopping section located at the very end of the building, just right before the exit way ha ha ha so you was not left with many choice actually. Sabar itu separuh dari iman. However, you will miss a very interesting journey should you skipped the museum part because the displays and shows prepared was very interesting and worth the long walk actually.. Okay, I exxagerated a bit. Not that long lah sebenarnye. It will just take merely 20-30 minutes of your time..
:: Wall of blink blink.. I went berserk as I saw this. If only.. If only they installed this in my living room! Sighhh... I know I know, I ain't Kim Kardashian ha ha ha :
:: I guess you can't see the beauty of this wall from this picture. This photo definitely didn't do justice to the real beauty of this wall. The lighting inside the hallway and entire museum was swtup to be as dimmed as possible to create the mood, and also perhaps to protect the stones. Plus, how is it possible for you to enjoy the real shine from the stones if there's spotlight everywhere, hence poorly blue-ish quality pictures. In real life, juling juling bijik mata tengok! ::

:: One of the hall ::

:: With a Christmas tree like that, who need decorations anyway? ::

:: Another show provided in one of the hall. All the clothes that was flying above our head was luxuriously decorated with swarovski. And ohhh the mannequin actually moved and dance along the music ::
:: Humongous diamante jelly fish anyone? ::

:: Ahhhhh finallyyyyy he he he ::
:: Outside. Did I mentioned that the Swarovski Crystal World is located in the mountain area? It was truly a very rewarding and blissful experience, inside and out, whether you're buying or not. Seriously ! But if you're buying some thing then, things surely just gotten sweeter hihihih ::
:: They have a lot of artsy sculptures in the clearing outside the museum and apparently, my girls found the sculptures much much more fascination than the one inside. Sighhh, can't blame them, what do they know huhhh ::
:: Perks of having one too many girls in the family. You ( mister) will be forced to co-operate in posing posing stuff no matter how uncool you feel about it! Layannnn ::
Next .... Vaduz..
:: We're tad too tired by now. It's already around 5pm if I'm not mistaken and it was quite hot in Vaduz and not to mentioned, we were famished! ::
:: Cold bottled water was our best friend from this day onwards ! ::
After orientation, touring and grabbing some souvenirs, we proceed to our hotel. I must say, our spirits were lifted the moment we saw our hotel. It was pretty beyond imagination! Not because of the building or interior but the location. It was located by the mountain/uphill side. So so biuuuuutifullll... And another bonus point is, we will be having western for dinner. Phewwwwwww after stuffing ourselves with Indian food every dinner for the last 7 days, pasta is luxury in my dictionary!

:: Nope, this is not our hotel he he he.. Just some pretty cottage along the route ::
:: This is it!
:: Lobby ::
:: Our bus he he he ::
:: Our room. The girls loves the bunk beds to bits. As you can see, we have more than enough bed for 4 of us ::
:: View from the room, errr with curtain on. Cannot see much eh? ::
:: Without the curtain. Pinessss everywhere! ::
We're going to VENICE tomorrow ( err not really 'tomorrow' tomorrow lah if you know what I mean he he he)
See ya...
As salam...
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