Tomyam tembikai
5:07 AMYesterday, I cooked nasik ayam for dinner. { Sayur campur } Today, we got birthday invitation from Lim's family around 7 pm. Alis and E...
Hide 'n' Seek
3:10 AMParts of fun having big girls was they're now able to participate in most of my favourite childhood games. Be it main masak masak, main ...
What I had for breakfast, luch and dinner..
12:12 PMThere's saying goes like : " Breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a pauper " It is some kind of proper...
Friday feast..
7:29 AMBeing so far away from family, it doesn't really matter u're Malaysian, or Egyptian or Indonesian, as long as you're Muslim, u...
A family that speaks 4 language
5:26 AMI had 4 people in the house and 3 of them speaks different language. First and foremost, The Papa speaks God of War language. He says Posei...
Is it that I had rusty mind or clever girl ?
6:01 AMWhile watching arabic version of Ben 10 last nite, there's an Arabic word caught Alis attention. The word sounded something like sahelu ...
I find it funny...
5:37 AMI find it funny when I am still accidentally use reason "Cepat tido ! Esok Mummy nak keje" when tucked girls to bed. I find it...
This is a not a love story, but a story about love.. This is a story about a girl and her love for bantal busuk.
2:34 AMThis story happened long time ago and been kept in my draft for so long I forgot. Since I've wrote half part of it, better off I'll ...
Learn to swim and learn to speak
11:14 PMSince summer is in town and going out sometimes can lead to very unpleasant experiences, so we stick to indoor activities to fill our time. ...