
We had new additional of family members. Lovely funny couple of Yan and Hazeem just received their newly offspring. Tamam Fastaqeem nama d...

We had new additional of family members. Lovely funny couple of Yan and Hazeem just received their newly offspring. Tamam Fastaqeem nama di beri. So we pay a visit to baby Tamam at their home, twice. Our 1st visit was not counted as we didn't have a chance to meet Yan or the handsome boy himself as Tamam...

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Yesterday, I cooked nasik ayam for dinner. { Sayur campur } Today, we got birthday invitation from Lim's family around 7 pm. Alis and E...

Yesterday, I cooked nasik ayam for dinner.{ Sayur campur }Today, we got birthday invitation from Lim's family around 7 pm. Alis and Erin insisted of having Texas Chicken for lunch so texas Chicken it is. After lunch, I did my bloghopping as usual when Alis asked me :Alis : Mummy, tak masak ek ? Mummy : Tak lah...

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Parts of fun having big girls was they're now able to participate in most of my favourite childhood games. Be it main masak masak, main ...

Parts of fun having big girls was they're now able to participate in most of my favourite childhood games. Be it main masak masak, main mekap2, main kawen-kawen and so on.{ Main mekap2. Focus on Erin's eyes. Belang biru ngn kuning lagi eyeshadow. Hell I'm feeling 80's}{ Alis nak mata pink ngn kunin mummy, owhh and pink tiptick}How...

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There's saying goes like : " Breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a pauper " It is some kind of proper...

There's saying goes like :" Breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a pauper "It is some kind of proper-healthy daily meal intake for one whereby breakfast remain the most important meal of all, and supposedly be the grandest. Mana ade king makan roti cicah milo for breakfast kan? However, I just realized I...

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Being so far away from family, it doesn't really matter u're Malaysian, or Egyptian or Indonesian, as long as you're Muslim, u...

Being so far away from family, it doesn't really matter u're Malaysian, or Egyptian or Indonesian, as long as you're Muslim, u're practically family. Saudara sesama agama. After all, semua merantau mencarik rezeki so those guys in below picture are basicaly my closest knits apart from other Malaysian families. They're all En Muddy's shift mate. The two guys...

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I had 4 people in the house and 3 of them speaks different language. First and foremost, The Papa speaks God of War language. He says Posei...

I had 4 people in the house and 3 of them speaks different language.First and foremost, The Papa speaks God of War language. He says Poseidon when he sees water. Athena, Pandora, Olympus, Labyrinth, Kratos ( to name a few) was very familiar to me they've been practically a family . Known them since before Alis was born....

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While watching arabic version of Ben 10 last nite, there's an Arabic word caught Alis attention. The word sounded something like sahelu ...

While watching arabic version of Ben 10 last nite, there's an Arabic word caught Alis attention. The word sounded something like sahelu ( am pretty sure about the pronounciation but not the spelling). She quickly asked me :Alis : Mummy, sahelu tu ape ek?Mummy with rusty mind : Umm, ntah ek alis, Mummy belom pandai bahasa Arab lagi...

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I find it funny when I am still accidentally use reason "Cepat tido ! Esok Mummy nak keje" when tucked girls to bed. I find it...

I find it funny when I am still accidentally use reason "Cepat tido ! Esok Mummy nak keje" when tucked girls to bed.I find it funny when in Malaysia, I never had tempe in my fridge, ever... yet in Q8, we had to drive 45 minutes to get a pack of tempe and we just wouldn't mind.I find...

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This story happened long time ago and been kept in my draft for so long I forgot. Since I've wrote half part of it, better off I'll ...

This story happened long time ago and been kept in my draft for so long I forgot. Since I've wrote half part of it, better off I'll finish it and published ehh...As a start, anyone whom close enough to my lil family should know that Alis can't live without her bantal busuk and puting. Somehow Erin inherited the...

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Since summer is in town and going out sometimes can lead to very unpleasant experiences, so we stick to indoor activities to fill our time. ...

Since summer is in town and going out sometimes can lead to very unpleasant experiences, so we stick to indoor activities to fill our time. One of it was swimming. Fast become one of the girls most seek activity to do during free time. Furthermore, they had 2 friends living at 7th floor who shared the same passion...

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