Visiting baby Tamam.

We had new additional of family members. Lovely funny couple of Yan and Hazeem just received their newly offspring. Tamam Fastaqeem nama d...

We had new additional of family members. Lovely funny couple of Yan and Hazeem just received their newly offspring. Tamam Fastaqeem nama di beri. So we pay a visit to baby Tamam at their home, twice. Our 1st visit was not counted as we didn't have a chance to meet Yan or the handsome boy himself as Tamam was having slight jaundice so he was admitted back for 2 days. Kalau kat Mesia, it's became behavior for newly mom to "jemur" their baby if any symptom of jaundice appear, but here in Q8, in the middle of summer, ley jadik keropok kalau jemur. Hahahaha.. By 10 am, temperature dah 40 degree or higher, so given no other option, memang kena admit lah.

{ Depan pintu building pun nak bergamba, macamlah jauh sangat dr rumah, macam 1st time sampai hahah }

{ Meet Baby Tamam yang debab di pangkuan auntie yang juge tak kurang debab}

We stayed there until sampai lepas Maghrib. Tak reti2 nak balik hahaha. Tumpang solat Maghrib dekat rumah Atie ( next door jek sebenarnye).. then sambung chatting. Tuan rumah siap jamu meehuun goreng, teh susu dgn baklava. Huhuhu buat susah jek orang dalam pantang yang tak macam pantang. Ligat sungguh jalan sana sini, eventhough she delivered Tamam via C-sect. We went there like only a week after delivery tapi dah mcm sebulan jek ke-active-an Yan. During my time, after a month baru nampak jalan like a normal person. Before that, maintain slow-like-a-snail mode. Kah Kah Kah....Memang my hats off to Yan. She's so strong la weh. Aku dulu masa beranak kan Erin, ngeri tul nak bergerak gerak. Terbaring jek takut perut terburai. Totally different from Yan coz based on what I heard from Hazeem ( Yan's husband), even on the very 1st day, after the operation, she already moved actively here and there around ward, scared all the nurses to death. Within a week, dah pegi pasar beli ikan.. hahaha siyes hebat pompuan ni..

{ The Proud mummy aka pompuan hebat -Yan, the proud auntie yang duduk terkepit cam de lak dlm pantang, The neighbour-Auntie Atie}

{ Baby mengeliat are just too cute to resist. Owh and dun forget the the smell, and the pinky little toes, and yada yada yada }

To Yan and husband : Congrats for your new arrival. May Tamam grow up being a good boy, faithful son and righteous Muslim.

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