Final Day
6:58 PM|Tata Bandung|
We finally came to end of our trip only with only regret that we can't stay any longer and with promise that we will definitely coming back. In fact, my mum already started planning for her next visit.
Our flight scheduled at 1235 hrs. We had final breakfast and final check on all our stuffs. Meeting Kak Ema at lobby and was introduced to her beautiful pair. My oh my, she doesn't even look old enough to be a mum, left alone a mum of grown up teenagers and 1 of hers was in college already. Waking up call to me indeed. I secretly wish that someday I'll have people look at me and Alis and thought that we're sisters.... hahhaha big dreams huh.. Takpe... mimpi dan angan adelah salah satu jenis motivasi diri... :)...
Back to our departure, after check-out , I asked Kak Ema to drop by any money changer as i ran out of rupiahs..Just in case i stumble into something nice on the way or at airport. In Bandung, if u want to change currency, U need to use local people as they required IC number and local address. Correct me if I'm wrong. This is from my finding that day. I may be wrong though.
Reached airport around 1000 hrs and settle all check-in matters, pay our "fiskal" and get our bags tagged and weighted. Errrr to be exact, we just show our face, the rest was handled by Pak Dedek. He's the one do all the errands. Alhamdullilah, none of us exceed 20 kg, so no excess baggage. Even if we did, we still have 40 kg extra to spare as Alis and Erin doesn't hv any bag with them.. hahha..
We ( my mum sebenarnye ) bought quite a boxes of Lapis Legit and brownies kukus which we will be hand carry with us but due to new rules (maybe nt so new though to others, new to us apparently) which only allowed max of 7 kg per hand carry, so we have to divide the cakes into 3 begs. We have to buy 1 extra beg at airport's souvenir shop though, costed us 30 000 rupiah.. It is clearly there's no scale machine anywhere for us to use, so we hv to rely on our common sense and survival skills. Chewahhhhh konon survival ehhh..
Lucky we can use Erin's weight as setting stone.. I knew she was weighted 11 kg during her last checkup. So any beg that gave me same or more pressure when i lifted it, could only be means it weigh more than 7 kg. It supposed to feel lighter that Erin. Maka berlaku la proses angkat Erin and angkat beg, angkat erin lg and angkat beg...hahhaha survival skill sangat la kan..
Ehhh something triggered me as I'm typing this post, why we dun just make use of the berat provided on each box of cake ek...sure ade tulis 500gm ke.. 750 gm ker? Campur je la !! Kannnnn ?? Duuuuuuuhhhh !! hahahahah
After the distribution process was done and everyone shared same conclusion that all bags was within allowable kilos, we went out to meet Kak Ema to say good bye. She can't go inside departure hall. Only those with passports and boarding pass were allowed to enter. She can't go in, but we can go out.
We exchanged hugs and kisses and kata kata penutup by both parties. It is sad moments. It feels like leaving ur family behind. U can't denied the kemesraan dan silaturrahim yang terjalin. It's different feeling from other tour agencies I've chance to work with previously. It's family feeling, something u just can't faking it. Owhhh and we took pictures.
- Left to right = Me & my handbags,Kak EMa's doter, Kak Ema, Kak Ema's son, mama and Ketua kampung-
- anoher groupie pic, yg bertukar cameraman jek-
- excess baggages yg kene reject masuk kargo, kene hand carry. Yg peliknye, confirm dua dua lebey 7 kg, lepas jek custom check, ini tidak adil.. haaha -
-next destination, Denpasar ? Not ? -
- Ingtkan hand carry beg ade 3, boley la escaped. Bad deeds totally deserved another. Hand carry aku kene bawak lg berganda berat de hahahah. Insafffff ! -
We had in flight lunch. The so-overrated Nasi Lemak Pak Nasser for 4 adults and Nasik Ayam
for kids. Please bare in mind that I'm trying my best to be fair and positive here eh..
The Nasik Lemaks ...quantity wise hmm nk cakap boley la alas perut pun x kene gaya, but I do realised that capasity perut manusia berbeze beza, jadik "boley la alas perut" hanya sesuai to those with Kelisa capasity.. hahhaha.. Quality wise, if Air Asia in general or Pak Nasser in specific by any chance hv slight intention to introduce their Nasi Lemak to the world, banyakkkkkkkkkkk lg kene improve on the taste, packaging and quality. Don't make peoples paying RM9 for 4 sudu nasik lemak,suku sudu sambal and the nasik turned out jelantah some more. Get it? Maybe the meal quality was vary compare to one flight to another but what the heck? If u can't impress local people with ur nasik lemak...and mind you nasik lemak is our staple food, I just dun see how it can attract foreigner.
On another note, Nasik Ayam pulak, mmg betul betul nasik dan ayam.. Betul la nama menu tu sebab ade nasik and ade ayam..SAHAJA ! Tak tau la kot the stewardess tu lupe bg sup ke..the sambal ke? Actually to be honest, I can totally relate why they dun serve soup in flight. Environmentally wise, x sesuai mkn meal with gravy kan... Sambal also i can tolak ansur la.. After all it's for kids and they dun eat sambal. Nevertheless, after putting all fact into places, stilll...tak kan la nasik (tetap jelantah) dgn ayam togel togel jek dik non !!! Sadis benor la rupa de. Where's the salad at least? Or timun? U can always be creative mahhh, U can't serve soup and sambal, compensate la with something else... Mix vege is a good start. Like the one they're having in Ayamas. I dun remember their mix vege being so gravy. Be innovative. It makes me wonder as if I'm nt mistaken, I saw somewhere in the menu that they also have noodle soup. How they serve the soup then ek? Ke macam kes nasik ayam yang tinggal solely nasik dan ayam, noodle soup tinggal noodle jek? hahahah...okay, bad joke ! I'm not trying to play diva consumer here. Just pouring my heart out.
We reached LCCT around 3 plus and trus headed to LCCT budget airport limo counter. We have to settle with a family van as compact car just can't fit us all. Pregio van with interior of "pasar malam" econovan. No offend to peniaga pasar malam okay, I love u guys ! I did... I'm just giving out something to compare. I'm not usually this bitch but since we're paying big fat amount of RM 167 from LCCT to Puchong, I think we deserved more decent-comfortable transport. Whatever ir is, dah sampai pun.
So my 2 cents yg tak seberapa :
Plan ur trip welll. Google as many info as u can. It'll come handy later on I tell you.
Bring foldable groceries bag. Ala kan skrang ni cam trend. Save the planet campaign ! Who knows u might need it later on so U dun hv to spend extra money just to buy extra bag. I'm so glad my mum brought 2 of those. It end up u dun use it after all, it still can be folded and just slip in ur luggage pocket or ur handbag or even ur pocket. It's space savvy indeed.
Change ur money earlier and plan ur budget accordingly based on how many day(s) u're staying ( errrr and try to be stick to ur budget, hardest part of all ). Do not put everything in ur purse or u might end up broken fella on 1st day.. hahha..
Tingkatkan daya kesabaran if travelling with kids. There's nothing u can do about it as it was their nature. They tired, they get cranky. They sleepy, they throw tantrums. They feel uncomfortable, they get clingy. Use ur ultimate parenting skills to tackle ur kids. Try to make them as comfortable as they can be with what u have. Be diplomatic with other group mate, else everyone will end up being bad mood and it will certainly ruined ur holiday.
Always and always communicating with your tour guides. Ringan-ringan kan mulut. There's reason they're the tour guide and u're the tourist. Ask them as many as u can without irritating them lah. SHow interest. Trust me. U'll get more if u being nice and humble and ur tour guides likes u.
Do not make offended comments to local people or offended reaction even if ur comments is nothing but true. Bare in mind, they're mencarik rezeki yang halal di bumi Allah and u're strangers in their place. If u do not have interest with what they're selling, just smile and say no politely.
The best way to get to know about some place is through their local food and local people. Challenge urself with local food. If u're not dare devil kinda person like my mum, then stick to familiar menu. For example, my all time fav drink are none but tea but here, their tea rather different. Taste wise. There dun serve lipton or boh or english breakfast tea malaysian version here. Their tea have a bit of jamu taste in it.. U know like herbal tea. Even their Earl Grey tasted differently from what we normally had in Malaysia. So stick to what u familiar with. In our case , we chose coca cola or any soft drinks or fruit juices. Coca cola shouldn't taste that much different huh elsewhere and i think orange should taste like orange. Logically it shouldn't go that different. Unless it written there in the menu, coca cola with Jamu Rapat, then you should think twice b4 ordering it kah kah kah. If u're not up for soda drinks, then opt for the safest drink on earth. SKY JUICE :)
I think that's it. I covered all 3 days of our humble bandung trip. I'm sure u guys out there have more fascinating traveling experiences compared to mine. Despite everything that had happened beyond our control, the trip was wonderful and memorable. What's there not to love spent time with ur loved ones did what u loved most.
Till next post peeps.
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