Some people are so frickin' funny.
1:46 PMIt's funny when at times his/her facebook was constantly updated with soul awakening messages, reminders, nasihat2 on dosa mengumpat, do...
1:46 PM
It's funny when at times his/her facebook was constantly updated with soul awakening messages, reminders, nasihat2 on dosa mengumpat, dosa menyebarkan aib sesama umat.... It's a good thing. Rasullullah s.a.w pun ade berpesan, sampaikan pesan ku walau satu ayat. However, the funny part is, it doesn't take long after that for you to hosted a haters group, party mengumpat dan menyebarkan aib orang lain secara berjemaah on that very same wall. It got me into thinking, did you actually read and take manfaat from all your shared messages and shouts or do you just posted it because everyone apparently doing so? Nak beramal pun ikut trend meh?
It's funny to me when someone have the needs to publicly thanking, passing personal messages to a person living under same roof, sleeping on the same bed, sharing same pillow with you via FB. I noticed this is the trend lately especially in a case where materials involved.
To xxxxxxxx, tima kaseh banyak banyak eh belikan i petai 80 papan malam tadi...
It got funnier when the message was meant for that one particular person that living with you ONLY and no one else involved. I meant I do understand if the message was meant for multiple receiver hence easier to convey it via FB rather than sms. I totally get the intention to show your appreciations, but do you had to do it openly, then only your partner felt appreciated? Let say, memang tak sempat betul lah nak berterima kasih kat rumah, still if it is for me, I would opted for SMS via phone or last resort, FB private message. It got me into thinking, do they genuinely thanking that person, since I'm pretty sure they had more than enough opportunities to show their gratitude at home. Or maybe, just maybe.. Kat rumah takde orang tahu laki belikan petai 2 guni, shout kat internet, barulah berjuta org tau, not?
Some people are so frickin' funny lah.