My comfort food and Lauk Sandstorm

There's no simple food or grand food to me. What simple is too simple and what grand is too grand. It's all boiled to one important ...

There's no simple food or grand food to me. What simple is too simple and what grand is too grand. It's all boiled to one important fact that everyone has different taste. Someone might think 7 full course meal was complete meal but to some, just telor goreng with runny yolk is heaven.

In my family, sambal is a necessity it is staple. No wonder my comfort food is sambal, always are and always will. Any type of sambal will do.

My mom shouted in her FB that she cooked Sambal Telor and Kobis Goreng the other day and man I was drooling just by imagining the taste of my mom sambal telor. * wiping saliva *. Although, I knew that I will never even come close to my mom's sambal no matter how long, how thorough and how many efforts I've poured into it.

Since dah terbaca status my mom, dah terkeliur and terbayang bayang, maka termasak la sambal dan kobis goreng few days back. It's totally not my fault, it's my moms. Definitely hehe..

:: Sambal Telor Pecah. I can eat this( my mum's version to be exact) everyday the whole year I am not kidding ::

:: Kobis Goreng ::

Anyway, yesterday, I wasn't planning on cooking lunch as in we were supposed to go out for groceries shopping and supposedly eating out. Unfortunately, our plan was put on hold to slightly afternoon due to massive sandstorm since early morning, and then postponed to later evening, because sandstorm still are pretty bad after Zohor, and then postponed again to after Maghrib or Isya, which then eventually got canceled because the sandstorm was not showing any signs of stopping.

As a results, I have to cook lunch .. Tu jek hahaha , de punyer la panjang explanation macam la gempak sangat consequences nyer kan.. Hence lauk lauk di bawah di namakan lauk sandstorm !

:: Butter Prawn. Finally, after few failed attempts, I managed to make a decent egg yolk floss this time. Decent, not yet perfect ! Thanks to Chef P3ter P@ng ::

:: Sambal Belacan. It took me so many failed attempts before I manage to perfected it to suits our taste bud I couldn't have been happier with the results ::

:: Kari Ikan Merah ::

:: Solok Lada, requested by En Muddy ::

:: My girls also are a big fan of Solok Lada, it just that they like only the Solok part but not the lada. Normally they will dug out the solok stuffing and left the lada for their papa to eat. Therefore, I came out with this idea to make just solok for them using the extra stuffing. It may not the prettiest stuff on earth but it is for their own convenient and I believe my kids couldn't be bothered much by how the food appeal to them as long as their stomach full ::

:: Grilled Honey Mustard Chicken Breast with roasted vege and potato for dinner ::

:: This pic has nothing to do with my dinner or lunch or breakfast. I decided to snap this image and posted it because I was mesmerized by Alis's M&M Easter edition. It's soooo girly with splash of soft pink and purple. This marshmallow-ishly little nibble definitely bring out the little girl in me :) ::

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