~Good things come to those who wait~
9:06 AMGood thing that came to me recently was Ikan Cencaru aka Ikan Jaket aka Ikan Kronghe (Tranung speaking).
I am not so much of a fish eater. I do eat fish but limited to a very few types only. Tenggiri, kerisi, selar, parang, kerapu and siakap, just to name a few, was my kind of fishes. Ermmm I always thought my father was a super fussy eater, but as I'm typing this, I can help but feeling that I am no any different. I am indeed my father's daughter :). Other types of fish can be easily found here on weekly basis except siakap. They ( fisherman) either don't fish siakap here or I just missed it this whole time. I don't usually "miss" fish under normal circumstances, however being far away from home, sometimes craving for things you don't usually appreciate before can be as some sort of temporary cure for homesickness, no? As a good example, I miss my father dearly last year, hence I bought tempe with fully awareness that neither me nor En Muddy will actually eat it. I missed my mom so much, I skyped her! Ehhhh... hahahaha.. terbuat kelakar plak :)
Anyway, I kinda craved for Ikan Cencaru lately. It doesn't help that K. Sham posted a picture of Ikan Cencaru Bakar recently on her FB and for that I held her responsible for my crave hahaha. Eversince, we've been on cencaru-hunting but to no avail till few days back. Takde rezeki. Suffice to say that, each time my husband went to market, I would gently remind him... " Kalau ade cencaru, tolong beli eh barang sekilo dua .. " and you can just imagine my excitement when he told me ....
" Ade cencaru kat pasar ari ni. Dee beli sekilo! ".
Thank you Allah ..
The Cencarus came out pretty big, 1/2 kilo each so sekilo dapat dua ekor sahaja. As big as my husband's lengan and according to him, he picked the smallest of em' all. Alhamdullilah nonetheless.. With cencaru that big, I can only see one image in my head, Cencaru Sumbat Belakang that is.
Mari kita menyumbat.... Owh to those who might wondering, I just put lemongrass, garlic, fresh tumeric ( can be substitute with powder one should you don't possess any), shallots and red chillies as my "sumbat". My mom's style! You can do it your way up to your liking..
:: The kicap-bawang dip would be nicer with some cili padi and perahan limau but to make it kid's friendly and since kicap was among bahan catuan here, kite berdikit2 dahulu, bersenang2 kemudian lah yer. Janji ade kicap! ::
:: Ahhhhhhh to-die-for! Tu diaaa sumbat sampai membuak-buak. Anyway, yang hangus-hangus tu lah yang setapppppp kannnn ::
Brrrrpppppppppppppppppppppp.... Alhamdullilah... eh luper, jemput makannnnn .........
3 thoughts