Car Story

It's been almost a year since En Muddy reached here yet his civil ID process/issue was never-ending heart sickening story. Am not gonna ...

It's been almost a year since En Muddy reached here yet his civil ID process/issue was never-ending heart sickening story. Am not gonna touch on that issue but how significant the issue to my post topic today.

Long story cut short, it's winter and people just don't stay at home this season. It's all about going outdoor exploring every possible place and doing every possible stuffs you just can only imagine during summer. ATV-ing, camping, sight seeing., surfing ( feeling feeling dok Hawaii noks...), camp-firing .. Just name it, they have it here. One and only problem between us and all those adrenalin rush experiences was transportation. I doubt any taxi drivers would want to send us 70 km out of town, waiting for us to be done with our things that might take whole day and then send us back home, even if we pay them with both my arms and legs. En Muddy and his friend Zubir had organised one " project" during next day of for both family and due to the location was quite a distance, we need to have a car.

Thus, we decided to rent a car. Something we've been planning and wanting to do for so many times, but being put to pending due to many things. My husband was on 3 days off so yesterday, as soon as he arrived from night shift around 8 am, took shower and out again to get us a rental car. Talking about kegigihan nih hahaha.. I heard no news of him till he phoned me around 11 am. Basically this is the summary of our conversation. I had to edit few things which mostly involving swearing and cursing heheh.. No lar.. he did not swear but I did.. Makcik memang emo ! Period !

Anyway, the choronology of him out hunting for a car went like this..

8:30 am - Walking around few hundred metres to the nearest rental car company. Got rejected because he was neither hold any Civil ID neither he was a Kuwaiti.

9.00 am - Walking again to another nearby rental car company by the road side. Rejected again, same reason..

Took a cab to area near Sultan Centre, Mangaf. It's like a rent-a-car hive. You can find them almost everywhere.

9.30 am - Try luck at one shop. He( En Muddy) asked politely if he can rent a car and mentioned that he had work visa with passport. The SA replied with not so polite tone and not so polite face, NO ! Civil ID and Kuwaiti only. Looks like there's no room for negotiation, En Muddy left with huge dissapointment.

10:00 am - Walking to fourth car rental company... Nothing new, no luck.. Rejected without not even slight of consideration.

10.30 am - Fifth company and this is it or never. The Kuwaiti owner looks eksyen at first glance. He asked to see En.Muddy's passport and once he saw the maroon cover of Malaysian passport, suddenly he turned angel-like. He said he can let us rent a car from him provided we need to get Insurance 1st. Turned out he had wonderful holiday experience in Malaysia a while back. Shah Alam to be exact. I wouldn't know why he went to Shah Alam. It was not common tourist spot to begin with. Whatever it is, 1st problem done. Second problem, INSURANCE.

* to rent a car here, you'd need to apply your own insurance unlike in Malaysia where everything handled by the car rental company (errr I supposed. Never rent a car in Malaysia actually but never ever I hear in Malaysia that we need to get our own insurance in order to rent a car )

11.00 am - Took a cab to Fahaheel, near NBK Bank to get insurance. Soon mentioned the his intention, the clerk told him only one thing ..... NO PAPER. PAPER KHALAS!! in which he meant, he ran out of insurance form. Awesomeeeeeeeee... He ask to go to another insurance company, near Burger King.

11.30 am - Went to insurance company near Burger King and was told that they cannot issue insurance to non-civil ID owner. Plead a bit for slightest hint of humanity, if ever exist.. The clerk ask to go to another Insurance Company, located 4 lots from his shop.

11.45 am - Went there, half human half HULK. Got rejected apparently, againnn.. for the very same reason given by the clerk near the burger King. He asked to go again to the previous shop and try our luck again.

12.00 am - Go again to the "previous" insurance company near Burger King and by this time, I believed En Muddy's upper body has totally turned GREEN. Seeing this, the clerk finally agree to issue insurance buttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt..........................................

Need to wait for 1/2 and hours because his computer system down. !@#$%^&& !

Anyway, he calmed himself down and wait patiently in the waiting area like a fine gentleman when one Indian man entered the shop, wanting to renew license for 8 cars belong to his Kuwaiti boss. Despite the so-called system down as he (clerk) claimed, he processed that Indian man application immediately. All 8 applications ! By this time around, En Muddy's clothes has started to meretas bit by bit... After the clerk done with that 8 applications, another man, believed to be Kuwaiti, entering the shop wanting to renew insurance also. Upon seeing En Muddy has totally changed into a GREEN man who was about to smack his face anytime, any moments, he signaled En Muddy to come forward and utter this sentence : SORRY FOR THE LATE..

The scene in response to that clerk was cut by moderator aka ME due to its level of keganasan because I like to say here that my blog was categorised under U and definitely kids friendly.

The insurance cost us KD 10 ++ and by the time it's done, the clock has strike 1.00 pm. It's rest time for all shop and they would resume business only by 3pm which means we already had the insurance paper with us but we still couldn't collect the car because literally they will only open at 3. If only they open at 3 if you know what I'm saying...Pfffffftttttttt.. To make it worst, En Muddy still have to work night shift and his pickup will reach around 6.15 pm. He's having sleep deprivation, not enough rest( err no rest at all to be truth), have to go to work again in 2 hours and yet, NO CAR still.

So just imagine his (and mine too) huge frustration...

He came home exhausted and of course, in anger. After solat and lunch, we altogether left home headed to the car rental company by cab at 3 sharp. Thank you Allah because the shop already back to business. The registration matters completed by 4 am and we get to pick our ride. At first, he chose Nissan Tiida ( Latio in Malaysia) but later picked white Nissan Corolla because the price was differentiate by only 1 KD. 7 KD per day for spacious Corolla and 6 KD for Tiida. Owhh case in point, in here (Q8), the rent price was determine by the car manufacturing year. The newer the car was manufactured, more expensive the rent would be. Not by size or CC as I expected . The Corolla that we picked was 2008 model. However, sadly, the audio player intact was still using casette. There goes my angan2 nak burn CD konon2 nk dgr lagu kesukaan dalam keta muahahhaa...

As agreed we rent that Corolla for 4 days = 24 KD. We did asked the owner how much will it cost us if we want to rent that car for a month( just asking for general knowledge, not that we intend to though) and he replied, 130 KD.

With that, our story in pursuit for a decent car so that we could enjoy this beautiful weather like other peoples has come to and end...

Next, our "project" story..with lots lots of picture. Owhhh I always love pictorial post ... :). Stay tune...

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