5:15 AMHusband requested for karipap daging few days back so I made them today. I bought curry-puff mould from Daiso quite sometimes ago and only today I discovered that I'd bought chinese dumpling mould instead.
My kelim or anyam talent memang legendary because I'm just so bad at it. I can't neither kelim karipap nicely nor anyam a decent ketupat. It's been a while since i accepted this as ketentuan hidup ha ha ha. Last 2 years, I was helping my mum in law anyam ketupat palas. There's ketupat betina and jantan yet mine was unsolved mystery. They're not both membuktikan betapa bangku nye tangan ku hehehe.
Well, back to currypuff story, I proceeded anyway since i had prepared the filling.
Cubaan utk modify by kelim balik gagal secara besar- besaran. Demi allah, makcik mmg tak pandai kelim karipap. Sumpah hodoh, jadik kite biarla de rupa tak siap cenggini ehhh
Nombor satu tu hasil kelim-an makcik, yang no 2 tu hasil acuan dumpling. Senonoh lagi pakai acuan kan? Muahahaha
Stok simpanan untuk masa hadapan.
Hasil nyer... Biar la rupa tak semenggah, rasa karipap jugak.
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