Family portrait from the eyes of 4 yrs old
6:15 PM
Her elaborations :
She must be taller than Erin hence her long leg !
but why her leg longer than Mummy ? Ni dh main kasar ... hahah
Our age and gender was determined by jumlah helaian rambut kami and design... Just because i'm older, i deserve most hair... she's kakak hence rambut tebal skit... and Erin youngest deserve less... while papa male so rambut mesti tercacakk....Bijok ek !
When being asked why all our hand terdepang like that, she said that's because all of us were holding hands....Olololololo so sweet...
I have no heart to ask why my left fingers are bigger than my palm (perli mummy gemuk kahh ?), missing one finger or why all of us body-less or neck-less or why our hand located at where our ears supposed to be or ... okay u got the pic ! hahahhahahah
It may not perfect, it may look hideous to some of you... It may looked like one bunch of monster's family...
But I gave her perfect 5 stars out of 5... She totally deserve it !!
2 thoughts